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POKER: share the bugs you've experienced and/or suggestions! - Printable Version

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POKER: share the bugs you've experienced and/or suggestions! - Veranis - 04-21-2016

On test center ( test.uolostlands.com ) there has been a poker station set up for testing. Go through the green coloured gate on top of Britain bank, and you can double click the dealer to start a game.

I haven't noticed many bugs, but it's up there for people to test out and hopefully record any bugs/suggestions they observe to share with Jack before it goes live. Share them! That's why it's up on test.

I'll start.

1) I think auto-fold shouldn't fold if there is an option to check. Additionally, I think auto-fold should wait five seconds every time, just so the player, if present, has time to realize auto-fold is on (in the event it was accidental), or to change their mind. Five seconds won't delay other players significantly, and I'm sure we've all wished it was there at least once in our experience so far.

If anyone wants to try poker and needs a person to play against, a few of us are pretty eager to play so PM us in discord. If I'm around I'll likely always be down for at least a few hands. I can also recommend others who are likely to join.


RE: POKER: share the bugs you've experienced and/or suggestions! - Jack - 04-21-2016

I've just set up logging of hands on test center too, so all hands on test center are currently being exported to the website. There are no pages yet to view this information but I will be working on these over the next few days. There will be extremely detailed information on the website about poker once it goes live.

Obviously the data will be cleared once it goes live, but for the meantime any hands played on test center are very valuable for me to work with!

RE: POKER: share the bugs you've experienced and/or suggestions! - Jack - 04-28-2016

This will most likely be patched in this weekend, so if anyone has any poker bugs, now is your last chance to let me know before it goes live.