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Macro question (herding) - Printable Version

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Macro question (herding) - SgtScooter - 10-13-2014

I'm currently running a macro for herding to boost my strength. I know the macro I'm using isn't the most efficient. It's basically just use crook, target a cow, move to point x. The thing is it keeps trying to target the same cow even though it's not set to use Last Target. I thought setting the target by type would pick any nearby cow. That isn't happening, though.
I saw a guy yesterday surrounded by a freaking cyclone of cows, so I know it can be done. I'm clearly just doing it wrong. Does anyone have any tips about how I should set up targeting for this?

Macro question (herding) - Creager - 10-13-2014

Maybe set it to target random grey?

Macro question (herding) - SgtScooter - 10-13-2014

I hadn't even realized that was option. I guess I may have been too specific even by listing a target "type." Do you recall what kind target that's called in Razor? If not, I can probably mess around with it until I figure it out.

Macro question (herding) - Creager - 10-13-2014

In razor in the targets menu you can bind target random grey and then just incorporate that into a macro i'm pretty sure.

Macro question (herding) - SgtScooter - 10-13-2014

Hmm, still having trouble finding it. Once selecting a target while recording it's listed as "Absolute Target." Once I do that, I can right click and change it to set Last Target, Target Type, or Target Relative Location. I don't see any other targeting options anywhere...
However, I got around it by figuring out that you can edit the Timeout options while waiting for target. I didn't know that. Noob ass me was waiting 30 seconds between every use. By removing that timeout, I can keep the same cow corralled right next to me and greatly speed up the macro.
*edit* Incidentally, setting up the TeamViewer app on your phone is a great way to check and adjust macros remotely! Big Grin

Macro question (herding) - Creager - 10-13-2014

Glad you figured it out! I probably could of gave you an better explanation of how to correct the problem.
Hop into Vent or IRC for some help next time along with posting the issue on the forums for a faster response.

Macro question (herding) - Baron - 10-14-2014

That is strange, when I changed my macro to target type it would select any cow in range (and not sheep if I was at Yew Pens).

Are you sure you have changed the the 'Absolute Target' that is for targeting the cow and not the ground?

Macro question (herding) - SgtScooter - 10-14-2014

Yeah, I changed both the animal target and the ground target.
After seeing my updated macro in action, I suspect it wasn't my targeting setup at all. I think the timeout made it seem as if the targeting wasn't working, because after 30 seconds (the default) any nearby cows could have wandered off. After dropping the timeout, I did notice a few cows start to cluster around me. It wasn't quite the cyclone I saw, but that may have just been where I was standing in the pen.

Macro question (herding) - yakka - 10-15-2014

You can herd the same animal to the same spot over and over and gain stats. Been working that way for me.