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Deadly poison and cure? - Printable Version

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Deadly poison and cure? - Pollux - 02-04-2015


I just joined today. Got myself poisoned by wraith at Brit GY. Was unable tu cure with storebought curepot. This got me thinking...

Is deadly poison relaay deadly here? Meaning, is it harder to cure than simply casting cure with magery or drinking storebought curepot?

Also, how muc damage does it do?I seem to remember it doing 12% every 5 secs or so...

Im eager to know this.



Deadly poison and cure? - Pollux - 02-04-2015

Or curing with bandage ofc...

Deadly poison and cure? - yakka - 02-04-2015

you will need better than store bought to cure, but I think bandages and cure spell work fine on DP. Have only used DP in the CTFs and have cured with spells and greater cure pots no problem.

Deadly poison and cure? - Pollux - 02-04-2015

Aew... In sorry to hear this. I seem to remember dp being really deadly. Maybe because we all sucked at uo back in 99?

Deadly poison and cure? - yakka - 02-04-2015

Yeah poisons do seem a little weak here, I remember running and arch curing fanatically when hit by a wyvern back in the day, but here you got time to dilli dally then hit a normal cure and never fail. Jack is working on things and gradually making changes.

Deadly poison and cure? - SgtScooter - 02-04-2015

If you keep chugging the store bought cure potions, you should be able to clear most low level and spellpoisons. It just may take a few.

There is poison that is worse than DPand that's the silver serpents'. I've actually had a cure spell fail on that before.

Deadly poison and cure? - Jack - 02-04-2015

Hi Pollux and welcome to the shard!

I can't really say with any certainty how accurate our poison/cure mechanics are. For curing, we just have what came with the RunUO package. This allows you to cure deadly poison with a magery cure and GM magery, most, if not all the time. With cure pots, lesser potions will be ineffective against DP.

For poison, our timers and damages are customized to T2A, deadly will do 12.5% of remaining health with a minimum damage of 7 and a max of 26. It is based on health remaining, not total health. Deadly poison will "tick" every 5 seconds.