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PVP Review (so far) - Printable Version

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PVP Review (so far) - Skynyrd - 11-30-2014

Comments below are all subject to change as we are in the infant stages of this high potential free server. Also majority of testing has been done via test and no field pvp has been expierenced on my part.


Similar to what everyone enjoyed about the t2a. UO Lost Lands offers era accurate pvp with a couple twist to raise the skill ceiling and create a diverse 1v1 pvp enviorment. Hally Cycling is enabled but with a .25 swing delay. Meaning one must stop for .25 before the swing takes place. As said before this creates a bit higher skill ceiling for the dueling enviorment and will allow for more "hit stealing" as opposed to other servers in which entail a run and gun mindless duel in which minimal offensive spells are cast.

No chancing on the disrupts. Harm is a sure fire disrupt when timed correctly and debuff will disrupt even if opponent is already under the effects. This allows those wiht the quick trigger to be rewarded with denying their opponent of casting bigger spells. A lot more beneficial than the 50/50 chance disrupots displayed on other servers. Great Mechanic.

A lot of folks feel mini heal is too OP in the t2a era causing duels to drag out. UO Lost lands has implemented a mini heal delay which allows for those who are better at cylcing to keep the upper hand and not become easily kited with a mini heal spam to full health. Another great mechanic.

Hally damage is just about right. The roll of the dice is what we all love about t2a pvp correct?! The hally damage is just about right occasionally you will get a lucky big hit but the medium seems just about right for a consistent dueling expierence.

Despite the dice rolls with your wep hits the 100% disrupt and hally timing are assure to seperate the more skilled opponents from the weak. With that being said I would like to think of the pvp to be low entry level higher skill ceiling. With a little bit of tank mage knowledge you will be able to jump right into the action and find some success right away. But, the most exciting part of UO Lost Lands is the skill cieling hally timing/hit stealing/disrupting will offer. Most servers after a certain amount of time you may feel you plateau at your trade. UO Lost Lands will continually challenge players to increase skill and become the best hally whacker there is.


if you have not had a chance to tes the CTF arena yet you must hop in test and do so. Yes it has great mechanics and fun to play. But, the best part is the gorgeous map. I promise it will be unlike any arena you ahve seen in UO Freeservers. An excellent made joust like map with various obstacles to overcome. The 20 minutes you are in the arena will feel like 2 minutes. Outstanding landscape and area to pvp in.

Field PVP-

We all have our preferances in pvp setting in UO. We all love the skill v skill of a tank mage duel. But, I think we can all agree in 1998 the reason we chugged a case of mountain dew and stayed up until 6am was the Open World anything goes pvp. As people start finsihing up their toons I hope to see some fun wars in the dungeons and graveyards. Whether it be protecting territory or just plain greifing it can all be fun !

-I will hopefully acquire some pvp screenshots tomorrow as they have been turned off the last several days. If admins or anyone has anything feel free to post them!

Happy Hally Whacking

(Please excuse any typos its 4am Smile )

PVP Review (so far) - Tophu - 11-30-2014

Thanks for the review Skynyrd, this is great feedback - we appreciate it.

PVP Review (so far) - Jack - 11-30-2014

Quote:Hally Cycling is enabled but with a .25 swing delay. Meaning one must stop for .25 before the swing takes place. As said before this creates a bit higher skill ceiling for the dueling enviorment and will allow for more "hit stealing" as opposed to other servers in which entail a run and gun mindless duel in which minimal offensive spells are cast.

Just a clarification on this.

When your swing timer has elapsed, the player must stop moving for 0.25s before they move into a state where they are "ready to swing". After this, insta hit is enabled and the cycle is considered "complete". After equipping a weapon, there is an additional 1 second prep delay before the player can swing.