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Full Version: CBD'd items still breakable?
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I'm considering wiping out AFK plat and instead buffing the drop rates of it. The AFK plat was supposed to help increase shard numbers in the beginning but most people do not even seem aware of the fact they can claim "plat for gametime", and for others it makes afking more profitable than their actual gameplay.

Instead, actually playing would be more rewarding.

You mentioned eariler that keeping chrs logged in for plat will help for repair kits and fort kit.. Then suddenly you said that they will be in bods, now your saying you might take the logged in plat out? Which one is it?

I never had the luxury of owning a CBD during t2a, so I have no idea how they worked then. But when I finally got one after renn the blessed item was unbreakable.

Personally I think they should not be able to be broken. As Jooz said a lot of people will react bad if they didn't know and their blessed item broke while pvping.

It would increase the number of cbd's bought at the platinum vendor, and people will still buy the repair kits and fort powder for vanq's and the like.

Either way it doesn't affect pvp, and blessed items breaking seems like it would do more harm than good.

Quote:You mentioned eariler that keeping chrs logged in for plat will help for repair kits and fort kit.. Then suddenly you said that they will be in bods, now your saying you might take the logged in plat out? Which one is it?

I matter of factly stated that you canleave characters logged in to get enough plat that will cover the costs of repairing clothing. Whether or not this will always be possible wasn't part of that consideration, because that's just how it currently is.Clothing repair/fort items were always planned to be available in the tailor BOD system, though I have never talked about what will be available through it (because I haven't figured out all the details yet).

Removing gametime plat is being considered. I no longer really think it helps much with shard numbers, and it would make more sense to make actual gameplay more rewarding.

Of things that really matter to me in development of this shard, blessed clothing breaking or not breaking is really not on my list of things I am passionateabout, and I do not wish to argue about the merits of blessed clothing breaking or not breaking - because I have no strong belief in either. I don't wish to upset anyone either, or put in a mechanic people consider shit.

In the next patch I'll remove the fort powder and repair deeds, all blessed clothing will be unbreakable.

I like what you said about the afk platinum vs hunting for it. It would help to get people out more.

I hope my post didn't come across as argumentative, that's not how I meant it bud ^.^

I take no offense to it. I don't wish to cause upset with mechanics. There are lines to be drawn on changing mechanics, but with blessed clothing it's not the biggest deal. I didn't like the idea of fort powder/repair deeds to begin with, I would've rather just had all clothing breakable. But I know CBDs and dyes are much too expensive for that, hence including repair deeds/clothing fort. But even with those, it's inaccurate means to being more user friendly with an accurate mechanic (clothing breaking).

So it's six of one or half a dozen of the other.If it's inaccurate anyway, might as well just get rid of the clothing fort/repair deeds and make all blessed clothing unbreakable.

I would be very disappointed if platinum gains for being logged in were removed. It would remove my reasons for keeping a couple of my characters logged in overnight.

I'll take that into consideration, the main reason for it is just that.. having more logged in clients. It's an unfortunate reality that people log on the shard, they look at the online count and check West Britain Bank to see how many people are logged on, and are more likely to give the shard a chance if they see people there. But personally I would rather see actual player activity promoted over "logged in clients". It's not going to be anything I hastily change without balancing it in other respects. I think the rate at which players can acquire platinum vs the prices of things, makes the platinum system overall too expensive right now.

Relax Apoc.
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