UO Lost Lands Forum

Full Version: Custom uo lost lands client strerched screen to higher res
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Id bump uo to 10$ monthly for this longshot dream...

a. Allow higher stretched resolution internally for window and fs mode

B. Bump up fps from 15 to 30 or 60... Or make the running less jaggy...(smooth)

I have seen some custom clients on reddit but would be cool if baked in to the shard installer.
ever toyed with the IRIS client? it's a first person client (or 3rd person) for UO, have actually had it work on another t2a server at one time. It's based of the old Ogre game.
Ha nice .. maybe but doesnt ring a bell....
Still would love to see a better classic style client vut EA wont ever do it
Wow ultimaxna looka promising maybe 80% done could be a while https://youtu.be/DLCpguWOdCg
