Patch 11 - 11/11/14 - Tinker Chests, Cooking
  • Overall platinum drops from monsters has been significantly buffed. Dungeon chests and treasure map chests are untouched.

  • Equipping a weapon will no longer disturb your spellcasting.

Player Vendors
  • The charge per day on player vendors has been slashed to account for our current population. I have not currently looked into what the accurate prices are, so the old prices weren't necessarily accurate. It will be looked at as our shard grows.
  • You can no longer tell what level a treasure map is by putting it on a vendor.

  • Escortables now tend to spawn around the edges of towns, and docks, instead of only docks.
  • All escorts now all pay randomised gold. A noble won't pay more than a peasant - this is a revert of an earlier change, after reviewing the escort essay on Stratics.
  • You now have a chance of obtaining platinum when completing an escort.

  • The way the shepherd's crook looks has been corrected. Previously it was using the item ID that vendors use for display. All previous shepherd's crooks will be loaded with the new graphic.
  • The taxidermy kit is no longer available and any previously bought taxidermy kits no longer function. Tanners will buy them back for full price.
  • The orcish kin mask no longer spawns on orcs. Previously found Orcish Kin masks will remain in the game, however their utility has been removed (Orcs will still attack you if you wear one). These have been replaced with the old style, regular coloured orc mask, which previously wasn't a loot type.Neither the old nor new mask will "blow up" if you are attacked by an Orc.

  • When an item is trapped by a tinker, the tinker is now responsible for harm incurred by the box, in most situations.
  • If the trapped box is opened through snooping, there is no damage source of the trap and the tinker is not responsible.
  • If the trapped item is opened on the floor of a house that the tinker is at least friended to, the tinker is in no way responsible. This includes being in sub-containers inside a house.
  • Otherwise, if the box kills or harms an innocent player, the tinker is responsible and will receive the relevant penalties, such as being flagged criminal (and guard-whackable) and can be given a murder count. Normal notoriety rules apply.
  • Previously trapped boxes will not have a damage source, as it is not possible to retroactively link these (there's no flag saved on the box saying who trapped it).
  • Tinkers can now trap any type of lockable chest. This includes treasure chests and town chests. Normal penalties apply to the tinker if harm is done.

  • The old cooking system has been phased out. Rolling pins, skillets and flour sifters are no longer obtainable. Old cooking tools will no longer function on double click. Cooking is no longer difficulty based, cooking any item has the same chance of success/failure, which is equal to that of your skill level.
  • A guide has been taken from Stratics, and adapted to remove era bugs. We are not replicating the bugs. Please see the guide on our wiki here:
  • Fields in Britain, outside of Skara and south of Yew, now have the same farmable crops as appears in the demo. This includes: cabbage, turnip, carrots, wheat, onions and cotton. There are surprisingly very many of these in each field, however respawn takes a while.

  • Various description/message changes based on era screenshots. These kind of things will probably happen all the time and I will probably not bother mentioning them in future patch notes.
  • The chance of bridal NPCs and jewellers carrying sandals has been increased.
[Image: jack-sig.png]

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Patch 11 - 11/11/14 - Tinker Chests, Cooking - by Jack - 11-11-2014, 12:49 PM

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